The Bridge (How Bridge the Gap Between You & Someone Else)

The Bridge (How Bridge the Gap Between You & Someone Else)


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The Bridge is a reading that focuses on helping you bridge the gap between you and someone else. We'll get you guidance on what is currently going on in your connection, what caused the disconnect or tension, and how you can improve the situation.

What You'll Get:
-Your Connection In The Past
-Your Connection Now
-How You Feel About The Connection
-How They Feel About The Connection
-What The Main Cause of the Tension or Disconnect Is
-Can The Issue Be Fixed and Is It Possible to Bridge The Gap
-Advice On How To Bridge The Gap
-The Outcome

When booking this reading, please include any relevant details or information about your situation that you think I should know. It's also helpful but not necessary to include the nature of your connection (i.e. romantic, familial, or platonic).

Your reading will be delivered to the email you use to place your order within 1 to 3 business days. It will come as a PDF file. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me or message me on any of my social media! I am always happy to help!

I can't wait to read for you!